I always love everything about October because that's mean Autumn is just around the corner. The Air is fresh and crisp, and the Leaves on the tree became Yellow, Red, Orange and Plum. Everything looks beautiful and that is a wonderful experience to me, since we don't have that in my home country, Indonesia.
And sometimes we just taking a walk along the path around the Lake. Or sometimes we just sat on the bench, watching the sunset. It's just so peaceful , sitting on the bench on the edge of the lake...watching the sunset below the horizon.
This year, is our second year living in Notre Dame,Indiana,USA . And we had wonderful Halloween Celebration with our friend . They invited us to come to their house and we went trick or treating on the neighborhood together. And off course we also sharing foods, since most of them are American, they made delicious American food and i brought this Indonesian appetizers. In Indonesia we called this Lemper (Steamed Glutinous Rice filled with chicken and wrapped in banana leaves).There was a funny story about this food when i brought this to our gathering. All of our friend almost ate The Wrapper ( Banana Leaves) and i think some of them did :-D , they didn't knot that we not supposed to eat that banana leaves. They thought, it was some kind of Sushi , well it is looks like sushi indeed. Well, i knew it was all my fault i should give them explanation in advance. Eventhough it was their first time ate Lemper and they actually loved it, they said " I love this Indonesian Food ".
And here she is our precious 8 years old daughter with her costume witch/fairy. She wanted became a witch but after she saw the wings she wanted to be The Fairy. She just could't choose between Witch or Fairy, so i told her " you can wear them altogether dear , there is no rules about that ".
And last , but not least i would like like to share my new handmade jewelry. Just about this early October i started playing with Polymer Clay and some wire. I am still new to both of them, usually i would make embroidery stitching or bead weaving, but i wanted to try something new this time. Actually i had a lot of fun exploring and playing with Polymer Clay colours. And, here it is my Polymer clay beads and Pendant handmade by me...
Autumn Spirit Neclace
Thanks to Rita for hosting this wonderful Second Annual Octoberfest Blog Hopping, i am so happy participating in this event.
Please also visit another Octoberfest artists below
Thank you for hopping to my blog and have a beautiful day and happy Halloween.
Caroline http:// Carolynscreationswa.blogspot.com
Andrea Glick-Zenith http://zenithjade.blogspot.com/
Dolores Raml http://craftydscreations.wordpress.com/
Karla Morgan http://TexasPepperJams.blogspot.com
Susie Harris http://jewelleryjunkie.blogspot.com/
Mischelle http://micheladasmusings.blogspot.com/
Kay Thomerson http://kayzkreationz.blogspot.com/
Kelly Hosford Patterson http://travelingsideshow.blogspot.com
Kathy Lindemer http://bay-moon-design.blogspot.com
Jasvanti Patel http://jewelrybyjasvanti.blogspot.com
Christie Murrow www.charisdesignsjewelry.blogspot.com
Jodie Marshall http://marshalljodie.blogspot.com/
Andrea Trank http://heavenlanecreations.com/
Dini Bruinsma http://angazabychanges.blogspot.nl
Elsie Deliz Fonseca http://ladelizchica.blogspot.com/
Kathleen http://99bobotw.blogspot.com/
Vera Lynn http://veradesigns.blogspot.com/
Rana Wilson http://ranaleadesigns.blogspot.com/
Catherine King http://catherines-musings.blogspot.com/
Lily Vincent http://thecreativeklutz.blogspot.co.uk/
Janice Hidey (Janimar) http://drawingthelinesomewhere.com/
Cory Tompkins http://TealwaterDesigns.blogspot.com
Candida Castleberry www.spunsugarbeadworks.blogspot.com
Cynthia Kent Machata http://antiquitytravelers.blogspot.com/
Alicia Marinache http://www.allprettythings.ca
Linda Anderson http://fromTheBeadBoard.blogspot.com
Leah Curtis http://beadyeyedbunny.blogspot.com/
Jennifer Reno (JenRen) http://jenrenjewelry.blogspot.com/
Robin Reed http://willowdragon.blogspot.com/
Tanty Sri Hartanti www.tjewellicious.blogspot.com
Lisa Lodge http://gratefulartist.blogspot.com/
Ingrid A. http://lilisgems.wordpress.com/
Judy Turner www.silver-rains.blogspot.com
Gina Hockett http://freestyleelements.blogspot.com/
Nelly May www.smellynelly.blogspot.com
Tanya McGuire http://tanyamcguire.blogspot.com/
Sonya Stille http://dreaminofbeads.blogspot.com
Carol D. http://dillmansdallies.blogspot.com/
Asri Wahyuningsih http://asribeadwork.blogspot.com/ You are here
Ginger Bishop http://lilmummylikes.blogspot.com
Shaiha Williams http://shaihasramblings.blogspot.com/
Toltec Jewels (Rita, your hostess) www.JewelSchoolFriends.com